You already take your pet to the veterinarian for regular check-ups, buy them the best quality food, and make sure they get enough exercise–but have you checked in on your pet’s vaccination status recently? This National Immunization Awareness Month, we’re highlighting the importance of vaccinations for your dog or cat. These preventative measures are one of the best things you can do to keep your furry friend healthy and happy.
How Pet Vaccines Work
Vaccines work by simulating a disease threat to your pet’s immune system. They’re essentially a form of safe exposure. Vaccines use inactive, weakened, or partial forms of pathogens to kick-start your pet’s immune response, teaching it how to tackle the real thing. This means if your pet is ever exposed to the actual disease, their body already knows how to respond and fight off the disease effectively.
How do I know which vaccines my pet needs?
Dogs and cats are required by law to have certain vaccinations. While the specifics can vary by state, vaccines against rabies and distemper are almost always required (some rabies vaccines need to be administered every few years to stay current). There are other required vaccines for each species, such as the feline calicivirus vaccine for cats and the canine hepatitis vaccine for dogs. Beyond these core vaccines, it’s possible that your veterinarian will recommend additional protective measures depending on how likely your pet is to be exposed to other diseases.
Now that you know the importance of vaccines for your cat or dog, it’s time to take action. If it’s been a while since your pet’s last vaccination appointment, or you’re not sure if they got them in the first place, please don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian today. They will be able to evaluate your pet’s medical needs and recommend the best vaccines for their optimal well-being.