Caring for pets teaches your child responsibility at a young age. Giving them pet-related chores and tasks will also teach them how to be nurturing, empathetic, and compassionate. Take a look at these pet responsibilities you can give your child at each life stage.
Toddler to Age 4
If you have a child who is between toddler age and four years old, they can still start learning how to safely play with and care for your pets. Teach younger children how to pet and groom pets safely. Older children can play with pets while supervised. Have them watch you feed your pet and explain to them the important parts of responsible pet ownership.
Age 5-10
When your children are between five and ten years old, they can take responsibility for certain simple, easy pet-related chores. Have them put food and water in your pet’s bowl, while supervised. They can also help with cleaning and maintaining the pet’s area, and you can let them assist you with grooming, bathing, exercising, and walking your pet. They can also help with cleaning up after your pet, and you can use these chores as an opportunity to teach them about being sanitary and hygienic.
Age 10+
Your child can take over certain pet chores on their own at this point. You can make a chore list or chore wheel so your child can keep track of the tasks they are responsible for. Make sure to check in with your child each day to confirm they have done their chores.
After you get a new pet, be sure to make an appointment with the veterinarian to make sure your pet is healthy. Bring your child with you so they can get a head start on being a responsible pet owner.