Fleas and ticks are not usually a major concern for humans unless you’re an avid hiker, but these
pests pose a major health risk to pets, even those that don’t spend much time outdoors. Fleas and
ticks can transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme disease, so it’s essential to help your pets avoid
these pests as much as possible.
Medical Treatments
One of the most popular flea prevention methods is oral medication. These treatments are
administered monthly and can be very effective in reducing the number of fleas and ticks on your
pet. Other options include topicals or collars. Check with your veterinarian to find the right fit.
Keep Things Clean
A messy house is a recipe for flea and tick infestations. Vacuuming regularly will help remove eggs
and larvae, as well as other debris that can attract fleas and ticks. Make sure to clean your pet’s
bedding often as well. If you have a yard, keep it mowed and clear of debris to help reduce the
number of pests.
Inspect Your Pet
If your pet was running around outside, make sure to check them for any fleas or ticks. Doing this
regularly will help you detect any pests before they can cause too much harm. If you do find a tick,
use tweezers to carefully remove it, making sure not to leave the head behind.
Check With Your Veterinarian
If you think your pet may have fleas or ticks, it’s best to check in with your veterinarian. They can
advise on the best course of action and help diagnose any underlying illnesses. Remember,
prevention is key! With proper treatments and cleaning routines, you can help ensure that your pet
stays healthy for years to come.